Mental Health Disorder Treatment Center in Ada, OK

Rolling Hills Hospital helps individuals struggling with behavioral disorders build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Ada, near Oklahoma City, Rolling Hills Hospital is the premier provider of mental health &  co-occurring addiction treatment for adolescents, adults & seniors.

Comprehensive, Specialized Mental Health Treatment

As a provider of comprehensive and specialized programming, Rolling Hills Hospital strives to address and treat any and all concerns that our patients present with when they come to our hospital for treatment. With staff that is trained to identify, diagnose, and care for a myriad of mental health conditions, chemical dependency problems, and developmental concerns, we are able to effectively treat several primary diagnoses, as well as any co-occurring disorders that plague the children, adolescents, adults, and geriatric patients who receive care at Rolling Hills’ mental health treatment center.

Thorough Mental Health Treatment Planning

We are sensitive to the unique needs of our patients and formulate treatment plans that build on patients’ existing strengths, implement new skills for coping and managing distressing symptoms, and aim to improve the overall quality of life for every individual who entrusts us with his or her care. Through our thorough treatment planning, we are able to treat many mental health conditions and co-occurring disorders, including:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Psychosis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Suicidal Ideations
  • Self-Harm

Navigating the Therapeutic Process

Our caring and compassionate staff affords each patient ongoing support and guidance as the therapeutic process is navigated and mental health concerns are treated. Additionally, each patient has the opportunity to meet with one of our qualified psychiatrists in the event medication is deemed necessary for treating these and other mental health conditions. This added beneficial facet of treatment at Rolling Hills Hospital allows patients to be monitored by psychiatrists and other experienced medical professionals who can supervise and manage medication so that the symptoms of mental illnesses can be lessened or eliminated.

Family Involvement During Treatment

Additionally, family members are encouraged to be part of their loved one’s treatment at Rolling Hills Hospital so that they can gain a better understanding of their loved one’s condition or conditions, receive their own support, and offer their assistance to their loved one as he or she receives care at our hospital. For some people, it may not have been known that their loved one was suffering from a co-occurring disorder, so this element of treatment at Rolling Hills’ mental health clinic can offer even greater insight for those most important in the lives of our patients.

By broadening the scope of the disorders we treat, patients who complete treatment at Rolling Hills’ mental health center leave our hospital armed with the skills to manage symptoms of existing mental health disorder(s), maintain recovery and sobriety and live a life that is happy, healthy, and functional.

So thankful to have made some great friends at Rolling Hills who could understand what I was going through.

– Former Patient